綠標系列是一個項目導向的高端產品線,配有強大先進功能,包括革命性設計的 Z-ID 指紋儀,結合3D神經元科技,能精確讀取乾、濕或模糊指紋;新研發硬件平台配有經改良的高速1.2GHz處理器,顯著提升識別速度。現代化硬件配置及設計,可與中控智慧最新的網頁式軟件平台完美配合,組成全功能的生物識別時間管理及安防方案。綠標系列的概念,亦包括對定價及售後服務等嚴格管控的新市場策略。
Green Label is a project-oriented high-end product line, loaded with stunning and innovative features such as the revolutionary Z-ID fingerprint sensor with 3D NFPV technology, capable to provide an exceptional performance toward dry, wet and rough fingerprints and the new hardware platform: equipped with an optimized a fast 1.2GHz processor which dramatically increase the verification speed. This advanced product line is made with a modern hardware and contemporary design, and is the perfect match for ZKTeco’s latest web-based software.